Come Play at L'Eree Festival (Guernsey) 2004

Steve Lajoie was there with his quick fire camera, he took so many photo's that when we
put them together, they looked like this! Much better than static photos. Thank's Steve.
(If you have a dial-up connection it will take a little while to load)

Sophie rocks!

Click to go back to the other animation

Here are some photos from Tony Rive:

Messages from the audience:

Hi girls
Just got back from the above, saw you both times. Really enjoyed it.
Keep it going
Hi Lisa,
Didn't get to speak to you after the gig last week, you guys were
awesome, you brought the 'house' down, one of the best sets I've seen
over here for ages certainly woke our normally conservative punter up
---- Great Gig --- Well done --- I loved it .....

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